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A lie too far? For me, I'm afraid yes.

 Post subject: A lie too far? For me, I'm afraid yes.
PostPosted: Mon Jan 21, 2013 5:16 am 

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I'm not a bandit!
Hi guys I just wanted to let you all know I'm not going to be playing on your server anymore. I've had a lot of fun playing with most of you, with some memorable experiences, so thanks for that! There's no hard feelings on my part but I just wanted to explain why I've come to this decision.

Last night, on the 19th, I had a good session with the guys I play with (ARNIE). We came up against Omen and EliteSoldier in Kamenka after Matrix crashed a little bird. Well played to you two, seen as you were out numbered, you were killing us a lot and then I took out Elite a couple of times. And of course getting a cheap kill on Seaweed because he was distracted in sidechat. I looked at the stream just now and it was interesting to see it from the other side, but what I wanted to see more was what came about later on, near the end of the night but the stream ended before this.

After everyone logged off for a quick go on wasteland, Matrix and me came back in. In short, we got engaged again by Omen and Elite and Elite killed me and seriously wounded Matrix. Matrix logged out at this point because he was honestly too tired and drunk to be fighting, be this right or wrong, it is what it is. I played on solo just to get kitted up a little for next time and started talking to Bernard in chat because it seemed he'd found our ural. Now I know there's a lot of deceit and misinformation in DayZ, it's the type of game it is, and I normally don't mind (or even enjoy) some of this. I did however feel betrayed when Bernard(Elite) and Tooty(Omen) lead me into an elaborate trap to try to retrieve the ural and killed me. It's not the being killed that bothered me at all, I just didn't expect that type of play. They did say after it happened that they were trying to trick Matrix into logging back in, which I can completely understand. They also brought up the fact that I had changed my own name from Equilibriate to Kalidor, but please understand this was not meant to trick anyone. I was the last of the ARNIE's to change my name because really I didn't care, but after the guys and Seaweed commented on it, I finally did. At no point did I say I wasn't me, or for that matter say I wasn't with the ARNIE clan, I don't think anyone asked either.

Again guys don't think I've taken this badly, everyone likes different styles of gameplay and each to their own, it's just this type of thing ain't for me.

So on that note, it's been a pleasure, have fun :)


 Post subject: Re: A lie too far? For me, I'm afraid yes.
PostPosted: Mon Jan 21, 2013 11:38 am 
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I don't know the full story on this as I've not spoken to Elite and Omen about it all in full, hopefully they can give you more information but I can tell you this.

Matrix combat logged on Omen and Elite, not just the first combat log at Kamenka that was recorded (his PC crashed I know but Elite put a ton of MK48 rounds into his disconnected corpse). But also again later. He waited in the lobby like a bitch for 30 mins after his PC crashed the first time till you all got down to help him, that to me is unsporting and bang out of order and not something I would ever dream of doing pc crash or not. Indeed it is just as unsporting as using a name change to lure someone into an ambush (side chat in dayz should always be read with suspicion especially with an unknown name).

After the second combat log which both Omen and Elite witnessed again and told me about, I was told his response on teamspeak to omen was that "he'll do anything to keep an M107", the ambush with the ural I was not informed of so I can't comment on that right now. I can somewhat understand his reasoning though if Matrix had said that to him prior to the ambush and see hy he would be out for some arnie related vengeance.

I agree though that namechanges are completely bad form and not something I ever want to see used in that way on my server again. I will be talking to omen and elite about this and I am already working on a system to track these in game and message the server as well as me via email when one has occurred. Honestly I did not know Omen and Elite changed names to lure you into a trap and agree that is not in the spirit of the game and certainly not how I roll.

If gear was lost as a result that is something I might be able to help with once I have heard the full story from both parties. I do not think is that out of order to do that to someone who combat logged on you twice in one night and made you sit in the same spot for 30mins whilst you waited for him to reconnect from the lobby as his entire squad came in to back him up. Elite only died because he had to wait in Kamenka so long for Matrix to log back in and he lost all of his gear to you guys as a result of that. You guys need to talk to each other about it though as I was not involved, had I been online no ambush involving name changes would have ever occurred.

I am very sorry to see you leave. You and your squad all seemed like sound mature dudes in this for the same reasons we are and exactly the type of players we wanted to encourage on our server. I very much appreciated you leaving my body after that side chat debacle and I have never had a bad word to say about your squad until hearing of Matrix combat logging.

I do not want combat loggers in my server, I understand if matrix was drunk somewhat but he needs to get in touch with me and explain himself if a combat log did take place (the second time). I am also busy coding more customization's to leave duplicate bodies behind so combat logging is no longer an issue on our server (I know a lot of bitches who play alone do it to lose zombie agro too but this whole thing has really sealed the deal).

I'm very sorry to hear about all of this I've had some great times playing with you guys too and have done my best to try and be available to play whenever I see you are all on. You Elite and Omen need to sort your drama out between yourselves. I'm sure they'll be happy to talk to you in person in teamspeak about it as will I. Otherwise I'll bid you farewell and thank you for the good times.

 Post subject: Re: A lie too far? For me, I'm afraid yes.
PostPosted: Mon Jan 21, 2013 1:57 pm 

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Here is my side of the story.

After the crazy firefight in Kamenka, Elite and I began the long walk to NWA up the west side of the map. We stumbled across what we believed was the ARNIE mobile camp. There was a camo offorad and a yellow Ural. Elite mentioned something about BBOY taking an offroad from Sirus earlier that day that matched its description and gave it to ARNIE for clan initiation or something lame like that. Like true gentlemen, we only took the offroad, leaving the arsenal of weapons in the Ural untouched. We moved on to the NWA and the server restarted as scheduled. We grabbed a biplane and headed out...me in the air and Elite in the rover. As we were exiting the air field, ARNIE was entering. At this point we had finally figured out Equilibrate was Kalidra, or whatever your name was. Name change noted. It was unknown to us as to why your name was changed. (not that hard to go to the main menu and change your name in TS or Arma so yeah, I believe this was somewhat deceitful)

Up to this point, I personally still had respect for the ARNIEs even with Matrix not wanting to log back in during the Kamenka fight and Equil's unannounced name change.

So as we are leaving, ARNIE was entering the area. I made a couple fly-bys and took a lot of gun fire. Elite began to engage on the ground. This lasted a few minutes and Kalidra/Equil was killed and Matrix was pinned under a tree. The next thing we know, he combat logs AGAIN!

I poke him in TS. He pokes me back talking about its a "bed time log" and I call bull shit. I tell him that its a pussy move. Take a death like a man and he replies with "When I have a M107, I will do what ever it takes to hang on to it"

That made me lose respect for him and luckily for us we know where his mobile camp is WITH another M107. So we go back to the Ural in the biplane. Its gone, so we circle around a bit and find it less than 1km away. Elite bails and drives it to the NWA area.

We come up with a plan to take the Ural and set up Kalidra/Equil because they combat logged on us and had a name changer on their team.

Really didnt think you would take it so hard especially with matrix clearly logging.....

I am not begging you to stay but this is the reason behind our actions.

Whether or not we have respect for one another shouldnt cause you to "quit". We took what you did as a slap in the face and believed mutual respect was lost. I could under stand that you would quit if you felt ganged up on, or treated unfairly, but this was a retaliation move for a name change by you and a completely cowardly move by Matrix. Are you sure you guys arent leaving because your clan is tainted by Matrix's pussy move he pulled and you think we will hate you forever? That is not the case. Not for me anyway. I understand people will play how they feel.

On a side note, I had once bragged to Seaweed that the ARNIE clan was a force to be reckoned with. I told him you guys were a strong team and never run away from a fight. I believe I told him this when shit was popping off at Stary and moved all the way to Altar. "Stay alert man, ive never seen ARNIE run from a fight and I believe they fight to the death". Those were my exact words. I was proven wrong, at least by one member.

 Post subject: Re: A lie too far? For me, I'm afraid yes.
PostPosted: Mon Jan 21, 2013 4:24 pm 

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Oh yeah, before our ambush, Matrix told Elite that he wont be logging back in for a week, so we dont need to bother camping that spot in the hopes of killing him on login.

 Post subject: Re: A lie too far? For me, I'm afraid yes.
PostPosted: Mon Jan 21, 2013 4:56 pm 
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I'm a bandit!
I guess i kind of caused all of this for laughing at eq for not having an arnie name :-( I knew who he was after the name change guess I should have made sure you all did too.

Bottom line is guys combat logging is against our rules impersonating another person in chat is not (but once im done coding it name changes will atleast be announced server wide and via a webpage so everyone has visibility).

Maybe matrix was just way too drunk but I've lost more respect for you guys over this whole ridiculous drama than guys will have for us im sure. Seems like we have lost the only skilled squad we had to fight with currently which is a real shame but losing a combat logger is never a bad thing in my books.

 Post subject: Re: A lie too far? For me, I'm afraid yes.
PostPosted: Mon Jan 21, 2013 5:46 pm 
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I'm a bandit!
http://www.twitch.tv/figate/b/358639063 Go to around 1 hour 14+ mins to see Matrix make the first suspected combat log

Now what I find really interesting looking back over this retrospectively is this:

Your helicopter crashed around 2 minutes plus before that (maybe 3 minutes as for the helicopter to drop out the sky matrix has to already have a crashed pc) you watch the stream and you can see for yourselves.

I will be double checking tonight and maybe using teamspeak logs to confirm timestamps of when Matrix dropped, but if you ctrl alt del your ARMA game it takes around 30 seconds MAXIMUM for your character to ever be timed out from the game.

So I find it VERY hard watching it all back now to believe that matrix's pc died causing the chopper crash and yet his character stayed in game for a full 2:30 to 3 mins before conveniently leaving right after Elite starts putting lead into him.

You can see from the stream why Elite and Omen were annoyed and that was just the first combat log they had from Matrix, drunk or otherwise. I can see for a fact Matrix had 2765.98 blood last time he logged he left the game from a fight. It saddens me to bring the name of what up until yesterday had seemed like a very proficient and skilled squad I was proud to have call my server home into disrepute.

However that's exactly what Matrix has already done, and goes a long way to explaining Omen and Elite deciding a name change ambush was in order.

 Post subject: Re: A lie too far? For me, I'm afraid yes.
PostPosted: Mon Jan 21, 2013 6:21 pm 

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I'm a bandit!
Equilibriate wrote:
Hi guys ..

Aww man, really? :( I didnt think you would take it that hard..

 Post subject: Re: A lie too far? For me, I'm afraid yes.
PostPosted: Mon Jan 21, 2013 6:45 pm 
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I'm a bandit!
EliteSoldier wrote:
Equilibriate wrote:
Hi guys ..

Aww man, really? :( I didnt think you would take it that hard..

Yeah tbh I'm surprised and a little bummed out too :(

 Post subject: Re: A lie too far? For me, I'm afraid yes.
PostPosted: Mon Jan 21, 2013 10:51 pm 

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I'm not a bandit!
shame guys real shame. But to leave the server over this is a bit strong. Community and admins are all awesome plus this server hasn't been abused by some prick hacker it would take alot more than that for me to leave. Enjoyed the banter you guys had our crew isn't on par yet but one day we'll come at you :D

 Post subject: Re: A lie too far? For me, I'm afraid yes.
PostPosted: Mon Jan 21, 2013 11:01 pm 
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I'm a bandit!
we'll be waiting sirus =)

ARNIE guys
i think the best thing to do here is to talk, and if its something you feel strongly about and you want to continue playing with/against us im sure we could all come to agree upon "the rules of war" between our two groups.

hope we don't lose you as we like prey with teeth :twisted:

 Post subject: Re: A lie too far? For me, I'm afraid yes.
PostPosted: Mon Jan 21, 2013 11:16 pm 

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sirus wrote:
shame guys real shame. But to leave the server over this is a bit strong. Community and admins are all awesome plus this server hasn't been abused by some prick hacker it would take alot more than that for me to leave. Enjoyed the banter you guys had our crew isn't on par yet but one day we'll come at you :D

im looking forward to this

 Post subject: Re: A lie too far? For me, I'm afraid yes.
PostPosted: Tue Jan 22, 2013 4:44 pm 
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I have a Mt. Dew on me!
I'm not a bandit!
I can understand how it upset em. but it sounds like they had a wicked time i woulda been very suspicious anyway, i do hope you guys change your minds.

I think everyone should salute and leave it is as is now.

Lemon out!

 Post subject: Re: A lie too far? For me, I'm afraid yes.
PostPosted: Tue Jan 22, 2013 6:30 pm 

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I'm not a bandit!
right heres some more info from me and matrix.
i love the server and i dont want to leave because of something this stupid.
im gonna lay down the truth, believe what you like but matrix didn't intentionally combat log from elite and omen.
the chopper crash wasnt from the "pc crash", he was on auto hover and he drifted into me, killing me, and blowing up the heli.
after that zombies started eating him so he turned his computer off. like seaweed said it takes a while for the body to disappear after someone logs, so elite probably started shooting him after he had already switched his pc off. i dont really care if elite doesn't believe this btw, i can see why he would disagree.
it wasnt until elite said "did you land on him" that we realised there were people watching us.

we thought it was absurd that you would believe that he didnt combat log (and we were right)
so we said his pc crashed. he didnt want to seem like a pussy logging from zombies. also, think about it for a second. our squad has ran into your group numerous times, we've had fun at devils castle, and not once have we ever even considered combat logging. why would matrix do it now?

lets leave it at that. matrix and i are gonna log on later tonight, hopefully we can stay civil and apologise.

 Post subject: Re: A lie too far? For me, I'm afraid yes.
PostPosted: Tue Jan 22, 2013 6:41 pm 

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I'm not a bandit!
btw i just spoke to matrix about the second "combat log" and he acknowledges that it was indeed a combat log
he was really drunk and tired at the time (falling asleep at keyboard tired)
he was moving to a treeline to log out when you guys started firing, he made a bad call and just logged out.
in his words "i was extremely pissed... and yh i feel bad"

 Post subject: Re: A lie too far? For me, I'm afraid yes.
PostPosted: Tue Jan 22, 2013 6:52 pm 

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the kamenka fight, he never left the lobby... we arent stupid...we kept checking for his white icon to turn blue.....but whatever.

 Post subject: Re: A lie too far? For me, I'm afraid yes.
PostPosted: Tue Jan 22, 2013 6:53 pm 

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Conan wrote:
btw i just spoke to matrix about the second "combat log" and he acknowledges that it was indeed a combat log
he was really drunk and tired at the time (falling asleep at keyboard tired)
he was moving to a treeline to log out when you guys started firing, he made a bad call and just logged out.
in his words "i was extremely pissed... and yh i feel bad"

THEY fired on me first....i was in the plane, elite was on the ground. he got their location by me baiting them to shooting at me...so maybe he was too drunk to remember that as well....nice try tho

 Post subject: Re: A lie too far? For me, I'm afraid yes.
PostPosted: Tue Jan 22, 2013 7:00 pm 

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IGN: Conan
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I'm not a bandit!
like i said i dont care what you believe, i was gone before the second fight thats just what matrix told me...
and as for being in the lobby... how would he have left without leaving the game completely if he was apparently in combat? he turned his pc off...
he was waiting in the lobby because he knew u guys were sat there waiting for him to log in, after i told him...

 Post subject: Re: A lie too far? For me, I'm afraid yes.
PostPosted: Tue Jan 22, 2013 7:19 pm 
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I'm a bandit!
I'm locking this before you ladies get your handbags out, theres been too much hate on the forums recently keep it in game. Hopefully I see you all again soon.

Matrix's inventory might be a little different to how he remembers it when he combat logged... that'll just be the gin I'm sure though, I appreciate your honesty matrix contacted me also had I seen his reply earlier I probably wouldn't have been quite so pissed off. See you soon dudes o7

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