Zero Survival

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Author:  Benuar [ Fri Apr 18, 2014 11:16 am ]
Post subject:  N1Z1

As Ebi has already mentioned the presentation last night was complete and utter bullshit ^^ will anyone take a look at it anyways? what are your expectations?

Author:  Seaweed [ Fri Apr 18, 2014 11:37 am ]
Post subject:  Re: N1Z1

Not touching it with a barge pole, its just another cash grab same as WarZ was. I thought it looked really unimpressive too, the level of detail on distant objects is terrible. It looks like its going to be very arcade like in its gameplay, and does nothing new that DayZ and Rust don't already do better.

When it was first announced they talked up their game engine so much, when in reality you can see visually their engine is no where near on par with ARMA. ARMA gets a lot of shit for performance and optimization, but no engine can come close to rendering the kind of giant environments and draw distances in as realistic a fashion as ARMA does. Chernarus looks and feels like a real place, that h1z1 level looked flat, boring, repetitive and unrealistic.

Author:  RadX [ Fri Apr 18, 2014 12:08 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: N1Z1

Quick internet search reveals that its produced by SOE so I don't really expect much of it, probably like Planetside 2, its actually a F2P game with deniable P2W aspects that the producers hope to use to cash in on the whole Zombie theme.

Author:  Seaweed [ Fri Apr 18, 2014 12:23 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: N1Z1

RadX wrote:
Quick internet search reveals that its produced by SOE so I don't really expect much of it, probably like Planetside 2, its actually a F2P game with deniable P2W aspects that the producers hope to use to cash in on the whole Zombie theme.

Yeah but its not really f2p when they are charging people for the alpha, WarZ did the same thing and made the bulk of their profits during alpha. Same deal with Rust too to an extent. People will play it for a week or two at most then everyone will forget about it. If they don't sell as many copies as they are hoping during alpha the number of pay2win advantages will no doubt increase.

Author:  reen624 [ Sun Jan 25, 2015 11:02 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: N1Z1

Whats wrong with you guys? Now that its out it shows that you were not right with your expectations. Tz tz tz!


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