Zero Survival

No locations in sidechat
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Author:  Benuar [ Fri Jun 13, 2014 9:53 am ]
Post subject:  No locations in sidechat

Just as it is forbidden to call out the location of another base in sidechat i feel like this rule should apply for all other locations.

Comments like "Noob bandit sniper in cherno" or "Who is the ghilli in elektro" harm the gameplay of said bandit snipers and ghilli guys ;-) Same goes for all the "Whos in stary" "Whos shooting on NEA" and similar things.

If you want a noobsniper dead then go kill him and dont cry for help hoping that someone will take care of it for you.
If you want to protect freshspawns from getting shot go to the coast and tell them in directchat.
If you want to know whos shoting go over there and ask the guy or just shot him and read the name.

Same goes for "Who has the Camo Offroad?"

Noone except the owner of the Camo Offroad should be allowed to answer this question.

You can ofcourse always give away your own location and ask for the location of someone else/"Who just shot me?" You can just not give away someone elses/"Who shot me from the ATC in Balota?"

What do you guys think of this?

Author:  wojos1Artist [ Fri Jun 13, 2014 11:12 am ]
Post subject:  Re: No locations in sidechat

Well, on one hand I understand the issue.

But on other I wouldn't dissalow it for few reasons:
It's actually fun and good for PVP to have these information. It's both fun to know that RD will search for you when you took good car from garage, aswell as it's fun to search for guy who is sniping electro. He is aware of fact that you know about him and it's his business not to get killed. I already miss PVP layer as f*ck in DayZ 1.8.1. I can camp NWAF for 3 hours even on FULL server, and still number of contacts is far below expectations (trust me or not, but one time I met only 1 survivor during that time). On other hand, there's a lot of movement in cherno/electro/zeleno, which is totally strange. But I'm not intrested in fighting over and over same guys with AK74's and M4A1s CCOs in those cities. I find it totally boring. Previous version was MUCH better in this matter, however in theory current one should be better, as NWAF is much more rewarding with 2 additional barracks. I'm not even talking about NEAF, which seems to be absolutely dead.

Another reason is that it's simply another pain in neck for admin. People will never learn this, and they will keep calling locations in sidechat. I find this issue not strongly abused, so I think we can deal with it as players rather than giving another job for admins. I would think of this problem that it opens way for interesting situations rather than real pain in ass for player.

Author:  Benuar [ Fri Jun 13, 2014 11:21 am ]
Post subject:  Re: No locations in sidechat

I can see the pain in the ass for the admin which is probably why this wont work out but if i find myself a super hidden spot, kill 1 guy from there with a silenced gun i dont want the whole city to be after me. Its unrealistic and unrewarding for good positioning.

Makes you run around a lot.

Author:  Seaweed [ Fri Jun 13, 2014 11:44 am ]
Post subject:  Re: No locations in sidechat

Rules like this are too hard to enforce and would piss a lot of people off

I didn't like having to add a rule for base locations since I think most people understand common sense, however Marian pretty much forced me to have to add that one.

Author:  Christoph [ Fri Jun 13, 2014 12:17 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: No locations in sidechat

speaking of bases....... ^^

Author:  Benuar [ Fri Jun 13, 2014 1:01 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: No locations in sidechat

speaking of marian ^^ you got my message?

Author:  Torkmastaflex [ Fri Jun 13, 2014 1:03 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: No locations in sidechat

speaking of Tork...

Author:  wojos1Artist [ Fri Jun 13, 2014 5:46 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: No locations in sidechat

Benuar wrote:
I can see the pain in the ass for the admin which is probably why this wont work out but if i find myself a super hidden spot, kill 1 guy from there with a silenced gun i dont want the whole city to be after me. Its unrealistic and unrewarding for good positioning.

Makes you run around a lot.

People have problems describing general locations, they will never describe exact spot. So if you are talking about one of high buildings in cherno that you think are super hidden, then they are not :P
Probobly none spot that can be described easily is super hidden.

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