Zero Survival

Full Moon Nights – Or a bit darker?
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Author:  Arfour [ Sat Jun 07, 2014 1:04 pm ]
Post subject:  Full Moon Nights – Or a bit darker?

So to keep the Changelog nice and tidy, let's continue the discussion here.

As I already said, I really liked the one night a few days ago where it got really quite dark during a thunderstorm and monsun like downpour. Which is quite realistic really. I had this during my own service time where a massive rainstorm made the night literally pitch black so that we had to hold on to the guy walking half a metre in front of us to not lose contact with the group.

As soon as the rain was over the moon came out and it was all good again. So I think this was a good compromise between full moon nights and the eerie atmosphere of really dark nights. I guess it would depend on how the weather works. Is the chance of rain etc. random or does the same weather happen every day at the same time? I do understand, that dark nights would severely hit the player count. Me included. So if that rainstorm would happen every day soon after nightfall, it would be bad. But if it would mostly be a "bright" night with only a chance for darkness during rainfall it would really improve the atmosphere in my opinion. Especially concerning the new zombie behaviour since 1.8.1. I nearly bumped into some zeds during that thunderstorm and they didn't even notice. So this weather would prove a good opportunity to sneak in towns or airfields.

Enough of me, here's what the others thought:

wojos1Artist wrote:
Seaweed wrote:
- Full Moon Nights Fixed - Small bug in 1.8.1 meant full moon nights were disabled. They are back now.

I'm quite sure previous night was not full moon as intended. I couldn't see my dark vehicle at all, even with gamma at 2.0. :P
And btw I like it, it would force people to start using flashlights, (M4A3 CCO would be a very good gun), head lamps in car and also NVGs. It also makes NVGs to be real huge advantage (but still there's not many NVGs so I don't think its problem).
For me it would be nice to leave most of nights full moon, but some would be nice to be a real dark ones.
But if it's something that is hitting player count or so then probobly not worth changing.

Seaweed wrote:
Yeah I sort of like the normal moon ones too, its a bit more interesting when not every night is the same. However I also remember before we had full moon nights how empty the server used to get when it was night time.

I think once you make it that dark the only people still playing are just turning gamma and brightness up anyway. With full moons you don't need to fuck with your settings to play. One thing we could try is to find a different static date that's a half moon or something. So its darker than it is now, but not totally pitch black. It's up to you guys though, someone make a thread if you want to get some discussion on it going.

wojos1Artist wrote:
Gamma doesn't work in any way when it's dark. Exept there is some light source like nearby lamp post or so (or moon in our case).
But in dark forest it's just getting extremely dark, and tuning up gamma will not help in any way. Only NVG/torch.
I may set up thread like this but I wouldn't like to see people leaving server because of this reason.
But maybe there's some chance if they stood that 1.8.1 zeds :P

Seaweed wrote:
I think I remember R4z0r saying something about zed agro being very different at night in 1.8.2 so it could definitely be good for future

Survivor 69 wrote:
Full moon nights is too bright really, the zeds seem to behave the same no matter how dark the night is so its just like a black and white day but much easier.

What do you think about it?

Author:  wojos1Artist [ Sat Jun 07, 2014 1:43 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Full Moon Nights – Or a bit darker?

Already gave my opinion as mentioned, but will extend that a little.
I would love to see dark nights sometimes. Nights, that will force players to take their torches, that will force people to take their only NVGs from base (when basebuilding is back). :P
I think if it will be balanced well, it would bring more fun to the game.

In my opinion:
+ increased value of NVG (maybe more trades on it, for higher prices?), decreased value of gamma-abusing :P
+ making useful road flares, flares, chem lights, torches/gun with torches and giving them value (changing gameplay style)
+ incredible sneaking avabilities
+ basebuilding - making light/radio tower would be even better thing now
+ causing people to start using their headlights in cars
+ having car in warfare would give an advantage - possibility to simply spotlight the enemies, while rest of squad stays in dark. This also puts car at risk and creates interesting situation.

- player count - although seeing that people stood 1.8.1 zeds for so long gives a chance that they can also adapt to using flashlights

Of course if these dark nights were too frequent, it would simply stop being fun. But I think 1 or sometimes 2 dark nights per week would be ok.

Author:  ZekkenWins [ Sat Jun 07, 2014 3:46 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Full Moon Nights – Or a bit darker?

hey guys the other night was good after a reset then all the stars and the full moon was out but with no clouds made my live stream alot more clear so poeple could see what was going on. even with a full moon and the clouds come out its so dark that i cant stream because the screen is just black mostly been having the squad running around holding a blue cem light every night lol. maybe making the server like GMT -6 at weekends or night time for like 2 hours after like 4 resets just some ideas

Author:  wojos1Artist [ Sat Jun 07, 2014 3:58 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Full Moon Nights – Or a bit darker?

ZekkenWins wrote:
hey guys the other night was good after a reset then all the stars and the full moon was out but with no clouds made my live stream alot more clear so poeple could see what was going on. even with a full moon and the clouds come out its so dark that i cant stream because the screen is just black mostly been having the squad running around holding a blue cem light every night lol. maybe making the server like GMT -6 at weekends or night time for like 2 hours after like 4 resets just some ideas

I definately disagree with that.
You can let your visitors see what you do by simply finding NVG googles or starting using flashlights (or staying at big cities only).

Author:  Survivor 69 [ Sat Jun 07, 2014 4:10 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Full Moon Nights – Or a bit darker?

wojos1Artist wrote:
simply finding NVG googles.

Author:  wojos1Artist [ Sat Jun 07, 2014 8:41 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Full Moon Nights – Or a bit darker?

Survivor 69 wrote:
wojos1Artist wrote:
simply finding NVG googles.


Author:  ElPip [ Sun Jun 08, 2014 9:59 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Full Moon Nights – Or a bit darker?

I would definitely like to see really dark nights!
The last server we played on had them, and they added a lot of this so much loved Dayz feelings!

It was almost impossible to walk through the woods without any light source or drive a car withouth the lights turned on!

Thumbs up for the idea!

Author:  SirPlease [ Wed Jun 11, 2014 8:54 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Full Moon Nights – Or a bit darker?

I will always be in favour of darker nights, more immersion and realistically people who complain about nighttime, will generally not play even if it's a fullmoon night. At this point, I'd be happier with darker nights, because really for me NVG's at the moment are almost valueless.

Author:  delphinek [ Wed Jun 11, 2014 7:25 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Full Moon Nights – Or a bit darker?

Please add this feature!!! Darker nights would make this server more balanced and finally having a torch would be an advantage. No more gamma abusing :) And ofcourse the veteran players will have to risk their NVG.

Author:  Seaweed [ Fri Jun 13, 2014 10:01 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Full Moon Nights – Or a bit darker?


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