Zero Survival

Basebuilding Getting Disabled on Hardcore
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Author:  Seaweed [ Wed May 14, 2014 11:23 am ]
Post subject:  Basebuilding Getting Disabled on Hardcore

I am going to be disabling basebuilding on the hardcore server in the very near future. I've never made any secret about my feelings on basebuilding in general and what it does to gameplay on the server. I don't like it at all nor do I like the headaches it creates for me as an admin. It encourages people to dupe items and requires a huge amount of work from admins to police. The positive is that it brings a long term end game to dayz however for me the negatives far out weigh this.

Basebuilding just turns into hoarding, people get obsessed with filling their tents and keeping vehicles in bases that they never use. People are constantly adding more and more tents and items to their base all of which add to server load, and mostly for no real purpose. People always keep far more items than they will ever use and lock vehicles up and never dare drive the rare ones. No one ever has a decreasing amount of items in their base, its always increasing constantly. I totally agree with the dayzmod developers, nothing in dayz should ever be totally secure and basebuilding in its current form just creates a lot of imbalance in the game over time.

I don't think basebuilding has its place on a hardcore style server, nor am I happy with trying to keep track of duping etc on two servers at once. For these reasons I will be disabling it on the hardcore server in the near future. Just wanted to give those of you who already started building a base on there a chance to move your tents and vehicles elsewhere.

Author:  senor andrew [ Wed May 14, 2014 5:44 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Basebuilding Getting Disabled on Hardcore

Seaweed please don't base building is what makes this server great and removing it just wont be the same. I switched from the regular server to hardcore and plan on staying there. I've put so many hours into my base. I don't think outright taking base building off is fair but what about some sort of compromise? :?

Author:  YaveX5 [ Wed May 14, 2014 6:07 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Basebuilding Getting Disabled on Hardcore

Surely there's some way around this, you're a good scripter and have knowledge of what people can do with bases along with duplication of whatever. So there's got to be some way around this, maybe make it harder to find the items needed or that you might need more items to build a base. I don't know how the duplication works but i'm sure there's something to counter the duplicates with a few lines of script.
There could be ways of having to keep the base up and running and have things deteriorate over time. Or if possible you add in bases which people can fight over, this sounds stupid, but i'm not good at ideas, also that idea came from the walking dead too XD. This would probably be massively unfair especially for smaller groups having to fight with massive hardcore clans. But i don't want you to get rid of basebuilding all together. I can't really think of good ideas myself but i know you can so can you maybe think a little about it before completely removing it?
I've only just got into basebuilding since you released the new server and I understand why you want to remove it, as it is just constant gear every time you die which just leads to hoarding guns and military loot off airfields and people just camping on them sniping anyone who just wants a gun to survive. But isn't there a way to make it much harder to maintain a base while not making it easier for other players to break in? As i said, i'm not very creative or good with ideas so i'm sure you could possibly think of something. But that's my opinion anyway, i don't know what others think.
If you did make it harder for people to maintain there bases then this could keep people more concerned about the safety of there base rather than just constantly attacking others and super looting the airfields, along with camping at places just killing anything that moves. At the moment, breaking into bases seems to just be luck and all you need to do is gather as many toolboxes as you can carry, you could possibly change this to something a little more sensible, like using basebuilding supplies to break into bases at a percent chance if this works then it could keep it from making it easier for players to break in as well as making it harder to maintain a base.

Author:  Seaweed [ Wed May 14, 2014 6:10 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Basebuilding Getting Disabled on Hardcore

senor andrew wrote:
Seaweed please don't base building is what makes this server great and removing it just wont be the same. I switched from the regular server to hardcore and plan on staying there. I've put so many hours into my base. I don't think outright taking base building off is fair but what about some sort of compromise? :?

Any form of compromise will involve lots of coding and changes to basebuilding, the main reason it is being disabled is because of how much work it creates. I just don't have time for that, just as I don't have time to try and police hardcore + main servers with regards to people duping items etc (which is inevitable with basebuilding). I already saw some things in the logs on that server that don't look right to me, but on the hc server I don't have all the things in place I need to verify what look to me like items being duped. I don't think people always realize quite how much work for admins a basebuilding server is. If I was to continue trying to do that for two servers the main server would suffer from it.

Basebuilding in its current form falls apart when people don't use it fairly, stresses the server heavily and most importantly unbalances the game completely in the long term. When dayzmod 1.8.1 comes out I would like to be able to put a server up for it immediately rather than having to race to fix basebuilding yet again. This way I can do that with the HC server.

Maybe in future I can come up with some code changes to improve BB gameplay for both servers, and I can roll those out first to the hardcore server and test them there. For the time being however its just too much work for me.

Author:  tomisafish [ Wed May 14, 2014 6:12 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Basebuilding Getting Disabled on Hardcore

Considering the lower playercount as well as the lack of third person I can't imagine it being too hard to keep hidden tents and vehicles on the map.

Basically just don't keep all your eggs in one basket. Hide tents around the map and record their locations and distribute gear among them. I can't imagine you will see any heavy losses. There are very many good places to hide tents and even cars.

Author:  RadX [ Wed May 14, 2014 8:08 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Basebuilding Getting Disabled on Hardcore

I think everyone who played the game on either server put hours into building a base, for me building a base was essential since everyone do it, but if you take it away(I mostly play on the HC server nowadays where I don't have my base from the main server) I don't consider the hours of adventures building, defending and maintaining it lost since the real fun part of it is the adventure around it rather than the base itself.

I'm kind of ashamed to say it but in the end before deciding to move to HC I kind of missed the excitement of AH camping my base or people trying break in when I was on, even though I was always outnumbered ,without that the base is just a place to hoard stuff which is not as interesting after you get more than you need.

TL;DR It started off as a 'Building my shelter' survival thing and while its still pretty cool I think that after it evolves too much it became some unreal luxury hotel resort Bear Grylls would lodge at inbetween scenes.

Author:  B3ll [ Wed May 14, 2014 11:45 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Basebuilding Getting Disabled on Hardcore

I agree with Tom on this, putting your stuff around the map is so much better. Yeah sure its fun to build a base and have something to work for, but I dont think think it's needed at all.

I guess if there is a huge fuss about keeping bases in and shit, we could have "set" bases that can be put around the map. No adding additional items, just a small basic base. For breaking in, the base could reset back to the original at restart. This would give enough time to break in, cause damage and get out. Just an idea.

Author:  senor andrew [ Fri May 16, 2014 3:11 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Basebuilding Getting Disabled on Hardcore

Base building is what makes ZeroSurvival ZeroSurvival . It provides a nice endgame to it and objective. For example finding the last brick you need to build something after scouring the whole map is effin awesome. Or the sinking feeling in your stomach when you log on and spot the hole in your fence.As well as gearing up someone you just met from your stash and becoming allies. Base building is fucking awesome and when you and add hardcore to it is the best of both worlds. If you remove it it just becomes just like any other server, what would be the point? Just kill others and loot airfields? Basebuilding makes you travel to find supplies. Not just camp coast and airfields. Just my 2 cents.

Author:  Seaweed [ Fri May 16, 2014 7:07 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Basebuilding Getting Disabled on Hardcore

senor andrew wrote:
Base building is what makes ZeroSurvival ZeroSurvival . It provides a nice endgame to it and objective. For example finding the last brick you need to build something after scouring the whole map is effin awesome. Or the sinking feeling in your stomach when you log on and spot the hole in your fence.As well as gearing up someone you just met from your stash and becoming allies. Base building is fucking awesome and when you and add hardcore to it is the best of both worlds. If you remove it it just becomes just like any other server, what would be the point? Just kill others and loot airfields? Basebuilding makes you travel to find supplies. Not just camp coast and airfields. Just my 2 cents.

None of this changes the fact that I do not have time to run two servers at once for basebuilding.

Author:  Benuar [ Fri May 16, 2014 7:38 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Basebuilding Getting Disabled on Hardcore

Appart from the first person lock the main server is already pretty much the hardcore server... why dont you come back over? This would strenghen the community again and we would all benefit.

Author:  RadX [ Fri May 16, 2014 11:52 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Basebuilding Getting Disabled on Hardcore

Is there somewhere where I can find the Basebuilding source code? I wonder how hard it is to modify because I have some ideas of how to change it if I can :

-Each flag would have only a set amount from each structure, exceeding it means that the base is auto-removed on restart. this is so breaking into bases is not too difficult.
-Instead of using toolboxes to remove base items it will use a "banestone siege" system(inspired by a the system in a game called Shadowbane) where someone who wants to break into a base would have to build a <siege structure> in the radius of the base.
The <siege structure> produces a unique numbered <token item> in its inventory each restart, after getting enough of these <token items> accumulated(equivalent to a minimum of 24h) the attacker can begin removing structures without need for toolboxes.
The Defender can remove <siege structure> by destroying it after 24h or by stealing the <token items> to delay the seige ..

The idea is that bases would cause siege battles and camping with less need for maintenance from admins and no impenetrable bases... there would also possibly be more 'mercenary/bountyhunter' action on the server for players who want to hire players to defend their bases .

Author:  Seaweed [ Fri May 16, 2014 12:07 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Basebuilding Getting Disabled on Hardcore

RadX wrote:
Is there somewhere where I can find the Basebuilding source code? I wonder how hard it is to modify because I have some ideas of how to change it if I can :

-Each flag would have only a set amount from each structure, exceeding it means that the base is auto-removed on restart. this is so breaking into bases is not too difficult.
-Instead of using toolboxes to remove base items it will use a "banestone siege" system(inspired by a the system in a game called Shadowbane) where someone who wants to break into a base would have to build a <siege structure> in the radius of the base.
The <siege structure> produces a unique numbered <token item> in its inventory each restart, after getting enough of these <token items> accumulated(equivalent to a minimum of 24h) the attacker can begin removing structures without need for toolboxes.
The Defender can remove <siege structure> by destroying it after 24h or by stealing the <token items> to delay the seige ..

The idea is that bases would cause siege battles and camping with less need for maintenance from admins and no impenetrable bases... there would also possibly be more 'mercenary/bountyhunter' action on the server for players who want to hire players to defend their bases .

Vanilla 1.3 code here

Author:  Benuar [ Fri May 16, 2014 12:15 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Basebuilding Getting Disabled on Hardcore

RadX wrote:
there would also possibly be more 'mercenary/bountyhunter' action on the server for players who want to hire players to defend their bases .

i wonder what the currency for that would be, tanktraps would lose a lot of value i guess

Author:  Seaweed [ Fri May 16, 2014 12:25 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Basebuilding Getting Disabled on Hardcore

One thing I want to add is that the long term plan was always to deploy any future basebuilding changes to the hardcore server as a testbed. I have planned to overhaul basebuilding for a long time. However I know these changes are going to be unpopular with hoarders, and I will need to test various aspects of it on a live server before it becomes at least somewhat balanced.

If I did this on a server with established bases it will create no end of headaches for me. Historically any time I do anything to the server that has put peoples hoarded items at risk or caused them to not spawn in there has been uproar or a huge drop in players. At least if I'm testing the changes on a fresh server its easier to adjust variables for balance etc without upsetting hoarders.

Frankly overhauling the code to incorporate a maintenance mechanic as I've been saying I want to do for a long time is a huge amount of work. The whole way the basebuilding system works is essentially a total hack, because its a mission file mod, it's not efficient and it's very limited in many ways. Any time you code anything basebuilding related you constantly have to refine the code because of bugs and duping exploits etc. With dayzmod potentially adding basebuilding in the future I am not overly enthusiastic about putting all the work in required to write "basebuilding 2.0" anyway.

The basebuilding on this server has eaten a massive amount of time for me over the last 18 months and still continues to every single day. Honestly I am at the end of my tether as it is with it all currently, and more recently I have been considering if I am prepared to keep doing so, for both the servers not just HC. Of course with no BB I'm sure everyone would leave the mainserver, so what I am really considering at the moment is if I am prepared to keep ZS running.

In some ways I would be happier to be trying to work with the dayzmod team on their own vision for basebuilding. The only real benefit I see basebuilding bringing to the game is much longer term goals and gameplay. That's great but it comes with serious costs to the gameplay, server performance and most importantly admins time, and the negatives are far outweighing the positives for me nowadays.

Author:  RadX [ Fri May 16, 2014 12:46 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Basebuilding Getting Disabled on Hardcore

Benuar wrote:
RadX wrote:
there would also possibly be more 'mercenary/bountyhunter' action on the server for players who want to hire players to defend their bases .

i wonder what the currency for that would be, tanktraps would lose a lot of value i guess

Adding more viable currency is something to worry about after knowing the steps needed to make such drastic changes. I'm not really a seasoned modder , I only know programming so for now (since I have some reading/writing time at work) I'm just going to take a look at the basics of where to make these changes.

My initial idea for the currency part was that each base manufactures <something random type> others want by using junk(needles , razor knifes, towels etc) .l but I still don't know what to make it, maybe food, maybe high-tier ammo, maybe a type of vehicle part or other stuff that you could make players need if its rare enough. but I still don't know how much coding/debugging it takes to make that happen (I assume that quite alot).
And it causes another problem that it gives more stuff to keep track of for admins on the duping department.

Seaweed wrote:

Frankly overhauling the code to incorporate a maintenance mechanic as I've been saying I want to do for a long time is a huge amount of work. The whole way the basebuilding system works is essentially a total hack, it's not efficient and it's very limited in many ways. Any time you code anything basebuilding related you constantly have to refine the code because of bugs and duping exploits etc. With dayzmod potentially adding basebuilding in the future I am not overly enthusiastic about putting all the work in required to write "basebuilding 2.0" anyway.

The basebuilding on this server has eaten a massive amount of time for me over the last 18 months and still continues to every single day. Honestly I am at the end of my tether as it is with it all currently, and more recently I have been considering if I am prepared to keep doing so, for both the servers not just HC. Of course with no BB I'm sure everyone would leave the mainserver, so what I am really considering is if I am prepared to keep ZS running.

In some ways I would be happier to be trying to work with the dayzmod team on their own vision for basebuilding. The only real benefit I see basebuilding bringing to the game is much longer term goals and gameplay. That's great but it comes with serious costs to the gameplay, server performance and most importantly admins time, and the negatives are far outweighing the positives for me nowadays.

For the past few weeks I've been playing on HC server and my base on the Main server is pretty much just sitting there , nice loot and vehicles all collecting dust it seems, I only log onto there when HC population is low but personally I'm definitely over the the base-building hype as it is now, its only nice for adding something customized.

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