Zero Survival

View Distance
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Author:  Seaweed [ Tue Apr 15, 2014 8:06 am ]
Post subject:  View Distance

I need to change the weather at the moment due to the fact its no longer winter. As part of this I was playing with a few other things too. One of these was view distance.

I know other servers have provided the ability to change this to people for a long time. I've always thought it was a bit stupid though as potentially one person can see much further than another purely because they have a better pc.

Having now actually tried it out for ourselves though I am actually a lot more in favor of changing it. The game looks so much better with a higher view distance. For someone who who is used to dayzmod primarily on arma 2 it was pretty mind blowing to see the difference between default and 3000m view distance. Seeing Devils Castle from NWAF is awesome.

I will probably add it as a right click option on binoculars as I don't want loads of extra crap on the action menu. Might be a bit annoying as a fresh spawn I guess though. In terms of FPS I didn't find any real problem, although I still need to do a bit more testing. Eby too who has a terrible computer was also saying he liked it a lot more. I can also enable some options for lower than normal view distances, so people with really shit PC's can save themselves some extra FPS at the expense of visibility.

I wanted to get a feel for what everyone thinks about potentially enabling it, if you've never seen the game with higher view distance I suggest jumping on a server that allows you to change it and checking it out. See how big the FPS hit is for your PC especially if you are concerned about it before you vote. Don't give feedback until you've tried the game with a higher view distance first.

Author:  TiMEDANCE [ Tue Apr 15, 2014 9:41 am ]
Post subject:  Re: View Distance

NO - i don´t like this idea. You are running a private server, which have harder conditions in playing dayz-mod "zero survival" as it says...
Why you will remove weather-conditions? This will make it easier for snipers, I think...

What about snow? Lets say, when snow is falling, body-temp is going down... - this will provide more survival-style...
The only reason I play dayzmod is zerosurvival-server. I don´t like the other 1000+ weapons and vehicles...
Please keep your style on the server. Don´t turn this server into COD

Author:  Seaweed [ Tue Apr 15, 2014 9:56 am ]
Post subject:  Re: View Distance

TiMEDANCE wrote:
NO - i don´t like this idea. You are running a private server, which have harder conditions in playing dayz-mod "zero survival" as it says...
Why you will remove weather-conditions? This will make it easier for snipers, I think...

What about snow? Lets say, when snow is falling, body-temp is going down... - this will provide more survival-style...
The only reason I play dayzmod is zerosurvival-server. I don´t like the other 1000+ weapons and vehicles...
Please keep your style on the server. Don´t turn this server into COD

I don't really see this as "turning it into cod", I'm not spawning you with a gun and I'm not changing anything related to loot. All I am talking about changing is the maximum distance you can see objects at.

I'm changing the weather because its not winter any more, take look outside. Please also bear in mind that I haven't even mentioned what I will do with the fog either. I haven't said the weather will be totally clear all I am talking about here is max view distance.

As far as making things easier for snipers, yes it might mean a few more kills at 500-800m. Getting a kill past that range with a non .50 cal sniper is very difficult indeed though and the current view distance is already a max of 2000m for everyone.

I can understand people being against this change but I don't understand your reasoning.

Author:  EliteSoldier [ Tue Apr 15, 2014 10:04 am ]
Post subject:  Re: View Distance

Voted yes, gameplay will become much sneakier since now you can just run over an open field to neaf and not worry about anyone seeing you, also this will improve gameplay with the airplanes since we can see them from further away now, and it will become harder for them to parachute and or land to flank you without you ever being able to see them land/parachute.

Author:  TiMEDANCE [ Tue Apr 15, 2014 10:23 am ]
Post subject:  Re: View Distance

the situation in the current build is ugly(not for the reason of the mod) - But, with the view of wider distance its much more... > for example... - at the moment XXX survivors are getting sniped on and on in berezino, while a dam sniper on hill of polana is sitting and laughing. (elektro is elektro - I think we do not need to discuss electro LOL "sniperhill")

But berezino, the distance from hill polana to town, is while there is fog, not visible - with the change you will get more snipers and campers....

Author:  Seaweed [ Tue Apr 15, 2014 10:29 am ]
Post subject:  Re: View Distance

TiMEDANCE wrote:
the situation in the current build is ugly. With the view of wider distance its much more.
For example... - at the moment XXX survivors are getting sniped on and on in berezino, while a dam sniper on hill of polana is sitting and laughing. (elektro is elektro - I think we do not need to discuss electro LOL "sniperhill")

But berezino, the distance from hill polana to town, is while there is fog, not visible - with the change you will get more snipers and campers....

Is this based on first hand experience in other servers or just assumptions? I have a hard time believing anyone has problems with getting sniped in Berizino from Polana regularly even on servers with AS50's.

If someone manages to snipe me with an M24 or DMR from there then I would congratulate them on their shooting. You make it sound like its going to be easy. You also seem to assume that the weather is going to be clear enough to see that far every single day. If groups really did start regularly camping long range shots I would also really enjoy sneaking up on them or flanking them. It's impossible to have yourself completely covered when sniping an area at that range.

But then again I have never seen getting sniped as detrimental gameplay in dayz, its one of the reasons I love the game.

Author:  Connor [ Tue Apr 15, 2014 1:21 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: View Distance

Yes :D this will be awesome to have, as Bernard says, it will make more of the map a danger as you won't be protected from fog as much, requiring people to actually think about where they are running and if it's possible that someone is watching them from afar.

Author:  redeagle [ Tue Apr 15, 2014 6:49 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: View Distance

Voted yes.
Flying will be MUCH better!

Author:  Jones [ Tue Apr 15, 2014 6:59 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: View Distance

Nope Nope Nope.. i think its better if everyone has the same conditions. I know it's not really given yet ( bad FPS for some of us and shit) , but this feature will definitely decrease the chance of same options.
@ Seaweed: Same here with ACRE - Everyone has to use it, unless it's useless. You know what I mean, we alreade have spoken about the Radio-Set feature for Teamspeak.

Cheers! ;)

Author:  Eberteby [ Tue Apr 15, 2014 11:33 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: View Distance

I would love it, keep in mind that Field of view =/= visibilty range because of the fog.

If the fog is 500 meters and the field of view is 2000 meters evreone will only be able to see 500 meters far. It only happens rarely that the fog would be further than 1000 meters.

Author:  TiMEDANCE [ Wed Apr 16, 2014 9:26 am ]
Post subject:  Re: View Distance

UNREALISTIC = all I can say


Author:  EliteSoldier [ Wed Apr 16, 2014 9:37 am ]
Post subject:  Re: View Distance

TiMEDANCE wrote:
UNREALISTIC = all I can say



Author:  TiMEDANCE [ Wed Apr 16, 2014 10:12 am ]
Post subject:  Re: View Distance

EliteSoldier wrote:
TiMEDANCE wrote:
UNREALISTIC = all I can say



Fog is natural - so why remove this? Weather-conditions should be random and not defined.

Author:  EliteSoldier [ Wed Apr 16, 2014 10:15 am ]
Post subject:  Re: View Distance

TiMEDANCE wrote:
EliteSoldier wrote:
TiMEDANCE wrote:
UNREALISTIC = all I can say



Fog is natural - so why remove this? Weather-conditions should be random and not defined.

The fog is not removed, maximum view distance is increased

Did you read eberts post? :

Eberteby wrote:
I would love it, keep in mind that Field of view =/= visibilty range because of the fog.

If the fog is 500 meters and the field of view is 2000 meters evreone will only be able to see 500 meters far. It only happens rarely that the fog would be further than 1000 meters.

Author:  Seaweed [ Wed Apr 16, 2014 10:30 am ]
Post subject:  Re: View Distance

This thread has never been about removing fog or overcast weather

Author:  Simon [ Sat Apr 19, 2014 12:39 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: View Distance

TiMEDANCE wrote:
EliteSoldier wrote:
TiMEDANCE wrote:
UNREALISTIC = all I can say



Fog is natural - so why remove this? Weather-conditions should be random and not defined.

if your stats are correct, you have played 34.5 hours on this server, which means you really don't know the server very well at this point (i saw you asked if nights are enabled in another thread, save the possibility that that was a joke...). you also do not know what you are talking about here in general because you do not actually seem to read the posts that you respond to. yet you hi-jack almost every thread that you post in with comments that are completely beside the point, and more often than not just plain bullshit. it is very annoying indeed. i know in this instance i am hi-jacking this here thread myself, but can you please calm your nipples and then follow this course of action: read, think, think again, write a post, read before sending, try to see whether it's BS or not, if not -> send.

you said somewhere that seaweed shouldn't turn the server into COD. the only thing COD-like here is how you post on this forum.

Author:  reen624 [ Mon Apr 21, 2014 9:52 am ]
Post subject:  Re: View Distance

I have a decent PC. But in fact i have to permit:
I also reduce shadows and some grass+tree options cause:
I think if i dont do this I have some disadvantages against other players who do this.
It would be harder to spot marian sitting in pine trees next to our base. Or when gettin attacked by snipers.
Although i hate reducing the options, cauze it destroyes dayZ feeling. Argh!

But seeing further would be awesome to me.
But i dont like the idea of customize by my own, this would increase discussion of low and high equip and advantages against other players!

So yes and no.
I vote No

Author:  tomisafish [ Mon Apr 21, 2014 2:05 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: View Distance

This will improve my enjoyment of the game.

I have never experienced a "sniper problem" on this server.

If anything this change would teach players to avoid getting sniped.

Author:  Arfour [ Fri Apr 25, 2014 9:41 am ]
Post subject:  Re: View Distance

It actually never even occured to me that the view distance is limited on the server. I have it set up pretty high myself but it is almost never a clear enough day to notice it.

I voted 'Yes' because it's realistic to see more than 500m if the conditions allow it. But I guess since the owners are from Britain it will stay foggy enough to not make any difference in the first place. ;)

Author:  Elirah [ Sat Apr 26, 2014 7:30 am ]
Post subject:  Re: View Distance

I think its much better to just set a serverside higher Viewdistance. The current one is way to short, and i think with 3000 someone with decent computer have a too high advantage. Maybe a serverside 1500-2000 meters should be the better middle and acceptable for everyone.

Author:  Seaweed [ Sat Apr 26, 2014 4:01 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: View Distance

Elirah wrote:
I think its much better to just set a serverside higher Viewdistance. The current one is way to short, and i think with 3000 someone with decent computer have a too high advantage. Maybe a serverside 1500-2000 meters should be the better middle and acceptable for everyone.

Serverside viewdistance is already 2000m which is default for dayzmod. This of course depends on the weather and how overcast and foggy it is at any given time.

I have some summer weather on the way in my next patch which will decrease fog and snow/rain but its still in the testing phase at the moment.

Author:  Elirah [ Sat Apr 26, 2014 5:33 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: View Distance

Seaweed wrote:
Serverside viewdistance is already 2000m which is default for dayzmod. This of course depends on the weather and how overcast and foggy it is at any given time.

I have some summer weather on the way in my next patch which will decrease fog and snow/rain but its still in the testing phase at the moment.

If thats the case it should be perfectly fine.. maybe the weather impact shouldnt be all to huge. Just because its cloude doesnt mean you cant look far. Rain does impact viewdistance though. Binoculars to be required would also be a disadvantage for newspawns. They dont have them and are forced to a certain viewdistance even if they want to increase/decrease it.

Author:  ZekkenWins [ Sat Jun 07, 2014 3:57 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: View Distance

i vote yes played on many servers with view over 2000m its much better looking the game does looks crap with only ever seeing no more than 600m. the game will not turning to COD because i can see someone over 1000m away reason being 1 its so hard to find a sniper rifle and 2 the rifle only zero to 800m so getting over 1000m with a rifle that can only shoot to 800m is going to be hard and the bullet travel time is like 5 seconds and must be a headshot! as if you hit them in the chest at a 1000m plus its does like pistol damage and you have to work out the range dead on without a range finder, map makers/way points or scrolling for range. this server has the best FPS i have ever played on so i think the server can handle it easy and i bet other poelpe machine could handle it.
we could only try it out for a few resets to find out what its like

Author:  delphinek [ Wed Jun 11, 2014 7:29 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: View Distance

TiMEDANCE wrote:
EliteSoldier wrote:
TiMEDANCE wrote:
UNREALISTIC = all I can say



Fog is natural - so why remove this? Weather-conditions should be random and not defined.

I totally agree to that :idea: Lets keep it realistic with no advantage for anyone

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