Zero Survival

Story of a Ban
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Author:  Izer [ Thu Jun 06, 2013 8:30 pm ]
Post subject:  Story of a Ban

Hi guys,

Well, before starting, I know most of you probably dont care about what happened yesterday (05/06/13 around 11pm) and I'm not asking you to take any position if you understand what I mean. Also feel free to stop reading this message if you realy dont care about my ban.
But in my mind you (the comunity) are the one who can do something about it, thats why I'm writing all this shit.

I'm here to ask you if there is something to do about my problem.

I'll remind you what happened :

On NWAF we had some fight (me and 2 other guys against Omen and Bernard).
Omen and Bernard were in a plane (you'll be able to see the video sooner or later, they recorded the action as they said), me in the forest, Robin and another friend in an hangar, one of our friend had to disconnect (it's not a combatlog he waited the 30 seconds and he had to go to sleep).
After that Omen suicided in Robin's face, which was funny and I laughed about him.

Thing is, Robin raged after it, he respawned near the sea and was knocked out by another squad who found him, that thoose guys he accused to teleport on him, w/e i'm not here to talk about it.
I told him to stop cause it was actually funny and he didnt lost many things.
But well, he is what he is, I didnt followed his braincracking on side chat, and I know he will get banned for that, I agree that his behavior may deserve this kind of decision.

But what about mine?

Without any warning, I was also banned from the server and from TS.
First I believed to a mistake and I wrote a PM to Seaweed to better understand why he took that decision about me.

Here is his answer :

"Because you were playing with a squad who broke my servers rules. You accussed two separate squads of hacking in the space of 2 deaths, not just robin but yourself too.

And regardless of that you yourself still spammed side chat repeatedly all night and I can see from your chat history this is not the first time.

From the rules page:
Do not be offensive, racist, annoying or generally spam side chat


So, yesterday there were many people connected, I can't remind every names but I'm asking on this forum if someone, in 2 days, if I already accused someone of hacking? I'm giving to you the answer : Never
Also, I'm still alive why should I accuse someone?

That's true Robin was in my squad this night on the airfield and as I said I disagreed with his behavior and his things.

But ok, I can understand that looking at logs is boring and chat too, Seaweed you maybe made a mistake by believing I accused someone of hack.

Nvm, the second reason is more interresting and correct, Seaweed told me I was spamming the side chat every night.

Woh x.x, no one told me I was writing to much, thats true, I did, I had many conversation during the night, and their were not many players connected, no one asked me to stop.
People concerned were Omen and Dom, I had good time with them (It's not what you think !)

So I though you would have warned me to stop talking on side chat if it was the main reason of my ban, before taking such a decision.

Now I said enough, I enjoyed the last 2 days on your server, it have great community and good support that's why I want to continue to play on your server with my friends.

And I hope you will take the time to answer me and understand my pov.

Waiting for an unban

Author:  Seaweed [ Fri Jun 07, 2013 9:49 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Story of a Ban

You aren't going to get an unban

My server my rules, you were playing in a squad who accused us of cheating - then immediately after you did the same thing to another squad.

You were playing with a retard, you were with him in teamspeak I was spectating the entire time. I watched as Robin combat logged whilst being dragged unconcious. I heard him calling SFG hackers and teleporters over direct chat too. I also watched all 3 of you playing together at NWAF whilst you accused omen of having "wallhacks". I don't care if it was him making the dumb accusations at people you were still playing with him and you still did nothing to dispute the bullshit coming from him infact you encouraged it. You brought him to my server you are responsible for the retard, I gave him plenty of warnings.

Now let's ignore all of that and just look at this shall we from a day earlier - because if I'd seen it I would have banned you for that too.

04:07:10 : (Direct) Izer: well i'll try to glitch a wheel
04:07:18 : (Direct) Dom: sweet
04:08:04 : (Direct) Izer: well brb
04:11:00 : (Direct) Izer: ok lets see if it worked
04:11:09 : (Direct) Dom: any good?
04:11:09 : (Direct) Izer: Erf no
04:11:14 : (Direct) Dom: gash.
04:11:15 : (Direct) Izer: server just restarted
04:11:22 : (Direct) Izer: he is to fast to dupe item

This is my server, they are my rules. The reason we have such a good community on this server is because when we get a childish squad on, one who hacks, dupes wheels when they need one, or one who throws accusations at every one to kill them or like to spam side chat with annoying bullshit constantly I ban them - all of them.

Here's some excerpts from the kind of shit your squad were all posting in side.

23:37:49 : (Side) Robin: don't shoot me :(
23:40:33 : (Side) Robin: wallhack?
23:40:41 : (Side) Omen: lol
23:40:43 : (Side) Bernard: u can shoot through walls
23:40:44 : (Side) Bernard: ...
23:41:00 : (Side) Robin: You can know my exactly position

23:41:17 : (Side) Seaweed: make a thread on the forum if you want to be owned
23:41:26 : (Side) DKmintz: i recorded my first heli explosion
23:41:32 : (Side) Omen: pretty obvious u would be pressed up against the side of teh hangar and not in the middle
23:41:33 : (Side) Robin: you exactly shot on me
23:41:42 : (Side) Omen: only an idiot would stand in the middle amirite?
23:41:51 : (Side) TimmA: aka me
23:41:56 : (Side) Levens1s: lol
23:42:11 : (Side) Robin: hu
23:42:13 : (Side) Robin: but
23:42:23 : (Side) Robin: you shot on the right side

23:50:07 : (Side) Robin: No, the only thing that make me puke, is that you are admin, and you are full stuff everytime, I just spend time on this game, and you kill

If you didn't want to get banned you shouldn't have brought a retard into my server and encouraged his idiotic comments. I don't pay for and run a server for people like you, you aren't entitled to shit from me and you certainly aren't going to ever play in my server again.

Author:  Izer [ Fri Jun 07, 2013 10:00 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Story of a Ban

Yes I tried to glitch a wheel that I lost by removing it on a vehicule just before a restart.
I totaly accept it because I lost this wheel cause of a bug, I was lost in middle of the map with Dom cause of this shit and thats why I tried to dupe a wheel, if anyone here would have done the same thing I can't understand.

But you never quoted this part ofc !

For Robin I told him to stop many times but he didnt gave a shit about me like you dont give a shit about what I am writing as I see.


So you're just banning us because we had 1 retard in our squad we met earlier.

" childish squad "

When I see you're behavior about me, you're the child in my mind.
You take decision as it please to you.

I'm not interesting anymore by playing on a server with such a stupid admin you are.

Bonne continuation.

Edit :
Everyone who made a topic like me should have take a look on other topic to see how open minded you are.
Before starting to read a topic you already took your decision, you don't pay attention to each other, only to squads who are now on your serv since a long time.

Privates chans on TS so we can't communicate with other players who are connected and if we do this on the side chat we're going to get ban without warning.

I hope others players will read this topic before wasting time like me on your server.

Author:  Seaweed [ Fri Jun 07, 2013 10:15 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Story of a Ban

I just don't pay attention to children or idiots izer, and you appear to behave like both.

I'm not interesting anymore by playing on a server with such a stupid admin you are.

Why'd you make this thread then? Why are you still crying now?

I posted a fraction of the crap that came from you guys in just 2 nights, there is a repeating message saying it against the rules to be annoying in sidechat for a reason. Have fun duping items in whatever server you go to next good riddance.

Author:  Investoren [ Fri Jun 07, 2013 11:05 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Story of a Ban

I lost severeal URALS stashed full with guns because of bugs on server, and wheels like that cuz of bug. Even tents, and items in inventory. I have never asked for Seaweed to return it somehow, and I certainly would never dupe a wheel or any item. Jesus, toss the god damn car, and get north, you will be geared within 1hour if your smart enough to play this game.

I hate cheaters, all kinds of them - and Im found of Seaweed rules and that he's so strict about them. Makes people like you disappear from a server with an allready established and good community!

Enjoy your ban kid.

Author:  sirus [ Fri Jun 07, 2013 12:43 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Story of a Ban

seaweed is the best admin i've played with (giggity). The rules are there if you don't like it fuck off, we get a prick or a group of them every few weeks but they never last. My advice to any new players try not to be a cunt.

Author:  tomisafish [ Fri Jun 07, 2013 12:57 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Story of a Ban

Investoren wrote:
I lost severeal URALS stashed full with guns because of bugs on server, and wheels like that cuz of bug. Even tents, and items in inventory. I have never asked for Seaweed to return it somehow, and I certainly would never dupe a wheel or any item. Jesus, toss the god damn car, and get north, you will be geared within 1hour if your smart enough to play this game.

I hate cheaters, all kinds of them - and Im found of Seaweed rules and that he's so strict about them. Makes people like you disappear from a server with an allready established and good community!

Enjoy your ban kid.

Try losing 20 tents full of shit :)

Author:  Investoren [ Fri Jun 07, 2013 1:03 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Story of a Ban

tomisafish wrote:
Investoren wrote:
I lost severeal URALS stashed full with guns because of bugs on server, and wheels like that cuz of bug. Even tents, and items in inventory. I have never asked for Seaweed to return it somehow, and I certainly would never dupe a wheel or any item. Jesus, toss the god damn car, and get north, you will be geared within 1hour if your smart enough to play this game.

I hate cheaters, all kinds of them - and Im found of Seaweed rules and that he's so strict about them. Makes people like you disappear from a server with an allready established and good community!

Enjoy your ban kid.

Try losing 20 tents full of shit :)

Allready done that, TWICE! But that was on legal matters tho :P Gotta hate those toolbox luckers :D:D

Author:  DrChino [ Fri Jun 07, 2013 1:39 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Story of a Ban

I come on these threads just to watch Seaweed shoot people down!

Author:  limbless_torso [ Sat Jun 08, 2013 11:05 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Story of a Ban

chino i couldnt agree more, i dont know why people think they have right to come hear and automatically have "status" that cunt was probably running ESP hax himself. the minute you start "tit for tat" arguing with with an admin you've lost. people choose to stay here cos its awesome =D

i think we have the best community in dayz and i wouldn't choose to play anywhere else. i know there are a lot of people who understand the amount of time seaweed puts into this server(i know him personally and see this first hand) and i personally couldnt do it. its like paying to have a second job.

thanks seaweed for everything you do to make this community stronger.

Author:  Rousch [ Sun Jun 09, 2013 10:11 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Story of a Ban

Anyone else appreciate this guys Grammar in the first post?

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